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The $180,000 Bowl of Ramen 🍜🩻 #shorts #ramen #medical #healthcare #insurance #united #podcast

The $180,000 Bowl of Ramen 🍜🩻 #shorts #ramen #medical #healthcare #insurance #united #podcast

A spilled bowl of ramen led Russell Pekala to co-found Yuzu Health.

When Russell's brother spilled some super-hot ramen on his leg and suffered a burn, he went to his local hospital, where it was treated as a severe burn. His brother was then sent a $180,000 bill.

Russell, who at the time knew nothing about the healthcare system, immediately started looking into how to save his brother from this crazy bill. With some quick research and negotiating, Russell was able to get $136,000 knocked off the bill, with the rest being charged to his brother's plan.

The moral of the story? Be careful when you're eating ramen.

Check out the newest episode of Self-Funded with Spencer, featuring Russell Pekala, available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever podcasts are found.